User Guide

User Guide

Duke is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps you to keep track of various tasks. You can interact with Duke by giving him various commands via a Command Line Interface.


list - List all tasks

Format: list

Lists all the tasks in your current task list. There are 3 types of tasks in Duke: Todo, Deadline, and Event.

Expected outcome:

All the tasks will be printed with their task number, completion status, description, date and time (if available).

todo - Create Todo task

Format: todo <description>

Creates a task of type Todo. The name of this task should be stated in <description>.

Example of usage:

todo sleep will create a Todo task with description ‘sleep’.

Expected outcome:

The newly created Todo task will be printed, along with an indication of its completion status and the number of tasks in the list currently.

event - Create Event task

Format: event <description> /at <date> <time>

Creates a task of type Event. The name of this task should be stated in <description>. The <date> of the task should be in YYYY-MM-DD format, while the <time> should be in HHmm format.

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at 2020-09-23 1900 will create an Event task with description ‘project meeting’, which will occur on 23 Sept 2020 at 7pm.

Expected outcome:

The newly created Event task will be printed, along with an indication of its completion status and the number of tasks in the list currently.

deadline - Create Deadline task

Format: deadline <description> /by <date> <time>

Creates a task of type Deadline. The name of this task should be stated in <description>. The <date> of the task should be in YYYY-MM-DD format, while the <time> should be in HHmm format.

Example of usage:

deadline assignment /at 2020-09-25 2359 will create an Deadline task with description ‘assignment’, which will be due on 25 Sept 2020 at 11.59pm.

Expected outcome:

The newly created Deadline task will be printed, along with an indication of its completion status and the number of tasks in the list currently.

find - Locate tasks

Format: find <keyword>

Searches for all the tasks with description containing <keyword>.

Example of usage:

find book will find all the tasks that contains ‘book’ in its description.

Expected outcome:

All tasks containing the specified keyword in its description will be printed.

done - Mark task as done

Format: done <taskNo>

Marks the task with <taskNo> as its task number to be completed.

Example of usage:

done 1 will mark the first task in the list to be completed.

Expected outcome:

The task marked as done will be printed with an indication of its completed status.

delete - Delete task

Format: delete <taskNo>

Deletes the task with <taskNo> as its task number.

Example of usage:

delete 1 will delete the first task in the list.

Expected outcome:

The task deleted will be printed.

help - In-App Guidance

Format: help

Provide an in-app guidance for users.

bye- Exit program

Format: bye

Exits the Duke program.